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It's a Fashion Revolution, Baby!

By: Tammy Kulpa
May 11th, 2015

SOM Footwear particpates in the Fashion Revolution.

April 24th, 2015 was recognized world wide as Fashion Revolution Day. People from 71 countries around the world used the power of social media to ask #WhoMadeMyClothes? I was intrigued by the fact that people were all of a sudden interested in the production of clothing, when it seems that here in America, the mindset is "the cheaper the better". Don't get me wrong, I love going to the mall and hunting for great bargains. There's something so satisfying about 4 for $20 deals, or scoring a sweet t-shirt for $3!

Fashion Revolution Day was inspired by the Rana Plaza accident in 2013. A total of 1,133 people were killed and another 2,500 were injured in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The sad reality is that accidents like this happen all the time in countries like Bangladesh where many mainstream fashion designers like H&M and Gap make their clothes.

The fashion industry was under fire In a recent episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. To me one of the most powerful aspects that Mr. Oliver discussed was the disturbingly low prices of clothing.

SOM Footwear - designed and made in the USA particpates in the Fashion Revolution.

Yes, it is important to offer affordable clothing options, but aren't you the least bit suspicious of that beautiful H&M dress for just $12.99 or those Walmart sneakers for $4.98? Have you ever stopped to consider the sustainability of the materials used or how they were obtained? Are you curious who made these products, the conditions in which they made them in, how many hours they work at a time or how much they get paid to do all of this? Are the people who made your clothes and shoes happy and healthy?

You asked us, "Who Made My Shoes?" and here is our response.

SOM Footwear founder Olie Marchal.

Olie Marchal (above) is the founder of SOM Footwear, and is also our head shoe maker. While he looks a little overwhelmed in this photo, he loves his job and is passionate about his business. He and his wife Nathalie are adamant about keeping all of their employees happy, healthy and safe. 

SOM Footwear seamstress Grimma M.

Grimma (above) is our head seamstress. She loves what she does here at SOM, and is great at it too! 

By supporting companies like SOM Footwear, you are supporting hard working, local craftsmen and women by helping them put food on the table, allowing them to enjoy a high quality of life on the Western Slope of Colorado and supporting our local economy. We truly appreciate your support!

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Fashion (HBO)

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